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Using DiSC® in real life

Many of us were introduced to Everything DiSC® in our workplaces where we learned more about ourselves and our colleagues. We learned how the styles and priorities of others may differ from our own and how to better work with our colleagues. But the DiSC model can be put to use beyond a training session or two.

How can DiSC be used?

Let’s look at a few examples of how each Everything DiSC profile can be used.

Everything DiSC Agile EQ challenges us to look at where we might be stuck in a way of thinking, or a mindset, that’s not helping us. For example, I might have a naturally Composed mindset. I might think through what I say and seldom have to apologize for my words. But if I get stuck in this mindset, I overthink things and become stressed trying to say just the right thing instead of expressing myself in the moment. There are times, both at work and at home, when I would benefit from acting from a more Dynamic mindset. If I can get my thinking off autopilot and make an intentional choice of mindset, I and everyone around me will benefit.

Are you stuck in a single mindset?

I might be a supportive, reliable and objective manager. But what my staff needs is more decisive action. Everything DiSC Management can help me better direct, motivate, and develop my staff by understanding their styles. What I learn about motivation turns out to be helpful with my older kids, too.

How can you be a better manager?

Am I experiencing a conflict with anyone in my life? I can look to Everything DiSC Productive Conflict for help in navigating current and potential conflicts or tensions. This profile reminds us of our own possibly destructive responses and to understand them rather than turn to them as a knee-jerk response.

How can you make conflict in your life more productive?

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders can change how I evaluate leadership qualities. Instead of looking toward the most confident speaker on a team, I learn to look for other signals of leadership such as humility and receptivity to new ideas. I might begin to think of myself as a leader even if my title doesn’t reflect this set of skills. I see more opportunities for leading in different ways.

What is your leadership style? How do you inspire others to action?

Here are a few quotes from people who shared how they’ve used DiSC.

“DiSC has always shown me the value of having a balanced team. The best teams I’ve built and have been a part of have had good balance of skeptics and accepters, of fast-paced as well as slow and steady members, of big ideas and critical details. DiSC has influenced my leadership style and made me more aware of my strengths and weaknesses.”

“I have choices about my behaviors. My priorities don’t have to dictate my actions. In fact, as I age, I want to experience more of that DiSC circle.”

“Thanks to DiSC, I am able to focus more energy on my natural strengths. I also learned that I needed to boost my S even though it wasn’t my natural strength.”

DiSC in daily life

There are several human tasks we undertake daily. We nurture our relationships with friends, colleagues, families; we communicate our needs; we engage in conflict; we make choices in how we behave. All of these tasks have elements beyond personality and beyond the limited amount of personality that DiSC measures. Nevertheless, we can benefit from employing the DiSC model as we go through our days.

Valuing other mindsets

We often think of traits as something you’re born with and which are unchangeable. If you’re born impatient, you’ll always be impatient, we might assume. But by using DiSC we learn that not everyone prioritizes action in the same way. There are benefits that come from prioritizing something else, like collaboration or accuracy. The impatient person might not become patient, but they can learn to understand the value and need for steadiness. We learn that we can, and should, learn to stretch beyond our more comfortable behaviors.

Managing stress

As another example, consider stress. Your personality influences what makes you stressed, how you show stress, and ways you’re likely to handle it. DiSC offers some insights into how to help yourself or others prepare for and cope with normal stresses.

Better communication

DiSC can help us communicate more authentically with others in our lives. I have a better idea of who I need to chit-chat a bit with before asking for a favor, and who I need to be quick and direct with. I know who will most appreciate a handwritten thank you and who would prefer public acknowledgment. I know who will appreciate an animated GIF in my message and who would not.

Insight at work at home

We spend much of our time in our workplaces and workspaces and, obviously, Everything DiSC is designed to provide insights we can use in those spaces. But these same “aha!” moments can also often be used in our homes and in our communities. We just need to consider them as we read our profiles and practice new behaviors or ways of thinking.

We often think of traits as something you’re born with and which are unchangeable. DiSC teaches us that while, for example, the impatient person might not become patient, they can learn to understand the value and need for steadiness.

Dig deeper into DiSC in real life

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