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What is the DiSC iS type?

8 min read

People whose DiSC® profile shows an iS style display both the influence of the i style and the steadiness of the S style. They are welcoming, trusting, and easygoing. People with iS styles value friendship and collaboration, and often have a strong need for connection. They are patient and empathetic, always ready to offer their support to others. They tend to have a generally positive attitude and to see the good in others.

iS style graphic with priorities: collaboration, enthusiasm, support

The DiSC® iS personality type at a glance

  • Traits: Warm, friendly, approachable, enthusiastic, cheerful, sociable, encouraging, cooperative, upbeat, conflict-averse
  • Driven by: Desire for friendship, connections, and acceptance
  • Anxieties: Pressuring others, being disliked
  • Influences others by: Agreeableness, empathy
  • In tense situations: Takes criticism personally, avoids conflict

DiSC style blends: iS

Circle showing the 8 scales: four continua which intersect at the middle

Everything DiSC® assessments measure respondents on eight scales: D (Dominance), Di/iD, i (influence), iS/Si, S (Steadiness), SC/CS, C (Conscientiousness), and CD/DC. People with the iS style score highest on the iS/Si scale. Further, their responses show tendencies slightly more in line with the i style than the S style. People with i styles are outgoing and enthusiastic. S-style folks are even-tempered and patient. iS styles are a blend of the two.

Everyone is a mixture of all DiSC styles, but most people tend toward one or two. All DiSC styles are equally valuable.

What is the opposite DiSC style of iS?

One way to understand the variety of personality types is to look at styles that are across from each other on the DiSC circumplex. Because the iS style is opposite the CD style, iS-style people likely score lower on CD-scale measurements like skepticism and impatience. People with iS styles may display CD-style behaviors at times, but it will likely drain their energy to do so.

Circle showing the 12 style wedges. The iS wedge is highlighted.
  • CD-style people are stubborn and disciplined. They use logic to make decisions and often prefer working independently.
  • The priorities most associated with CD styles are challenge and accuracy, while the priorities for iS styles are collaboration and enthusiasm.
  • CD types like to question everything and everyone; iS styles like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Image showing the active-to-reflective dimension and the skeptical-to-accepting dimension

What motivates the iS style?

People with DiSC iS styles are motivated by collaboration, enthusiasm, and support.


  • People with iS-type tendencies value friendly cooperation, finding it motivating to work on a team.
  • Their upbeat nature helps rally people to achieve goals.
  • They want everyone to feel included, and spend time and energy getting people involved.


  • People with iS styles bring a positive attitude to their work and relationships.
  • They want to spread their optimistic spirit and find it difficult when confronted with skeptical people who don’t appreciate their happy-go-lucky approach.
  • They are warm and expressive.


  • Those with iS styles show flexibility and want what’s best for the group.
  • They are empathetic, showing concern when someone is struggling and offering uncritical support.
  • They love to encourage others and they feel valued when they know they’ve been able to help someone.

What are the iS style’s driving assumptions?

Driving assumptions are beliefs someone has that govern their behavior. These beliefs are often unconscious, rather than statements the person would say aloud. Driving assumptions may not be things we could defend in any rational sense, but they still shape personalities.

For the iS style, thoughts like these may drive their behavior and choices:

  • My value comes from belonging to a community.
  • I need to be wanted and accepted.
  • It’s awful to have someone upset with me.
  • I should never be the source of someone else’s unhappiness.
  • I’m valuable because I make other people happy.

These beliefs can be both destructive and productive. They might lead to an iS-style person minimizing their own needs in fear of being disagreeable or being a burden on others. But they also make for empathetic, community-minded people who care about making the world around them a warm and accepting place.

How does the iS style handle stress?

What is stressful for one personality type may not cause stress in another. Our stressors stem from our values. iS styles value relationships and harmony, so anything that threatens those connections will make them anxious.

What might stress out an iS-type person:

  • people around them are in conflict
  • they think someone is mad at them or doesn’t like them
  • they need to give or receive critical feedback
  • they need to speak up about problems

Under stress, iS styles tend to:

  • dwell on wounded relationships
  • internalize stress
  • neglect their own needs for the needs of others
  • become disorganized, lack follow-through
  • fail to speak out until the stress is at a high level

How can I work well with iS-style people?

People with DiSC iS personality types bring empathy and positivity to their teams. They are supportive teammates who want what’s best for the group.

Tips for working with iS personality types:

  • Work collaboratively with them. Share ideas and successes.
  • Be personal. Express your interest in them, and make time to chat, even if it’s not directly work-related.
  • Create a space where they feel comfortable speaking up.
  • Make sure you’re not dismissing their perspectives just because others have more forceful personalities.
  • Avoid being confrontational or too aggressive. Offer your point of view, but try to start with an easygoing approach.
  • Be clear about deadlines and when you need them to make decisions.
  • iS-style people tend to take even minor criticism quite personally. You can still hold them accountable or critique their work. Just realize that they might need some time to process the feedback before moving forward.

The iS style and teamwork

Overall, iS-style teammates are enthusiastic and encouraging. They look for the positive and are quick to celebrate other people’s and the team’s accomplishments. Their focus on empathy helps results-motivated teams remember the human side of work.

Strengths of iS-style teammates:

  • bring a positive energy
  • promote harmony
  • seek compromise
  • involve everyone in making decisions
  • boost team morale

Challenges of iS-style teammates:

  • hesitant to contradict others, even when doing so would be helpful
  • uncomfortable with conflict and spirited debate
  • overly accommodating, meaning teammates may take advantage of them
  • lack natural skepticism

Read more: Team building

What if there are many iS people on a team?

The mix of individual styles within a group creates a larger DiSC group culture. When a group displays an i culture (with many people of iS, i, and iD styles), it tends to be energetic, optimistic, and social. We call this the “get recognition” team.

Advantages of the iS group culture:

  • encourages collective brainstorming
  • offers a warm and caring environment
  • fosters creativity

Drawbacks of the iS group culture:

  • glosses over potential risks
  • lacks clear guidelines
  • exhibits spotty planning

Read more: DiSC i group culture

Which careers are good for DiSC iS personalities?

This is a common question, but the truth is that people of any personality type can succeed in any field. We don’t recommend basing career decisions (or hiring decisions) on personality type alone.

However, looking at your DiSC profile can help you think through your priorities and where you get your energy at work. This can be one data point that helps you frame your search for a fulfilling career.

For example, people with iS styles tend to value friendly, upbeat environments with ample opportunity for relationship-building and collaboration. They probably don’t relish working alone on analytical or repetitive tasks. iS-type people could explore jobs in education, training, coaching, communications, counseling, advising, the arts, and many other industries that allow them to connect with other people in meaningful ways.

Everything DiSC Workplace priorities map
Review your priorities when considering a career change. Image: Everything DiSC Workplace® priorities map.

Do iS personality types make good leaders, managers, and salespeople?

Are iS types good leaders?

People of all DiSC styles make good leaders. Your DiSC style informs what your natural leadership strengths are, and which leadership tasks require more energy. Effective leaders can move between DiSC styles, calling upon whichever is right for the moment they’re in.

iS-style people are affirming leaders: approachable, upbeat, and caring. They work to create a respectful, positive environment. They see the good in others and are generous in their praise.

In addition, iS-style leaders are often energizing. They rally people to achieve goals, show enthusiasm, and build networks.

On 360-degree-type leadership assessments, iS-style leaders tend to earn high marks for being open to input and being supportive of other people. They earn lower marks for speaking up about problems and setting high expectations.

Read more: iS-type leaders

Affirming leaders: being approachable, acknowledging contributions, creative a positive environment

What are iS-style people like as managers?

Managers with the DiSC iS style:

  • are encouraging and enthusiastic
  • encourage collaboration and idea-sharing
  • are supportive and ready to listen
  • pride themselves on building team spirit
  • make sure everyone is involved
  • expect those they manage to be group-minded rather than focused on individual egos

Managers with iS styles are likely more comfortable improvising and “winging it” than some other styles. They may need to remind themselves that others prefer more predictability and clear systems.

iS-type managers probably enjoy:

  • creating opportunities for collaboration
  • helping others do their best
  • spreading their enthusiasm and positive energy

iS-style managers likely don’t enjoy:

  • giving people unpleasant feedback
  • being forceful or insistent
  • making hard decisions independently
  • prioritizing systems and logic
Priorities map from Everything DiSC Management
Priorities map from Everything DiSC® Management

Read more: Management

Do iS-style people make good salespeople?

Every DiSC style has natural strengths and challenges when it comes to sales. That’s why you’ll find successful salespeople with all different styles.

iS-style salespeople like to connect with customers on a personal level. Their warm demeanor and enthusiasm put customers at ease. iS folks have a genuine interest in getting to know other people, and customers can sense that.

Other characteristics of iS salespeople:

  • sociable, make time for small talk
  • supportive, want to help solve problems
  • empathetic, can see issues from customer’s perspective
  • good listeners, remember details about customers
  • optimistic, positive outlook
  • trusting, willing to give people the benefit of the doubt

The overriding priority for salespeople with iS personality types is relationships.

Everything DiSC Sales priorities
Everything DiSC® Sales priorities

How does the iS personality type deal with conflict?

People with iS personalities tend to avoid conflict when possible because, from their perspective, it clashes with their need for harmony and connections.

Conflict is a part of every workplace, and many studies show that some amount of conflict is actually healthy, when this conflict is productive, not destructive.

Priorities map from Everything DiSC Productive Conflict
Priorities map from Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict

Tendencies of iS styles that are productive during conflict:

  • flexibility
  • empathy
  • ability to see others’ point of view
  • a willingness to compromise and forgive

The same personality traits driving the above tendencies can also drive destructive tendencies during conflict, like:

  • taking feedback too personally
  • giving in to please others
  • withdrawing
  • ignoring problems/overvaluing harmony
  • letting issues simmer
  • dwelling on any perceived slights

If you are in conflict with someone with an iS style, try these tips:

  • Address the situation directly, but avoid taking an unnecessarily confrontational approach.
  • Demonstrate that you are taking into account their feelings and the feelings of others.
  • Encourage them to share their opinions.
Conflict behaviors in the Five Behaviors model
The Five Behaviors® model discusses healthy and unhealthy behavior during conflict. For iS styles, you can see that a healthy behavior is showing empathy and an unhealthy behavior is dwelling on wounded relationships.

Is the DiSC iS style emotionally intelligent?

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is not a single trait. EQ means different things in different situations. Like all DiSC styles, iS-type people have both natural EQ strengths and challenges.

Of the eight EQ mindsets described in Everything DiSC Agile EQ, iS styles align most closely with the empathizing mindset. This means iS-style people are likely to:

  • reach out with compassion
  • seek to understand people’s emotional needs and struggles
  • be supportive
  • be naturally attentive to what other people are going through
  • draw people out by showing acceptance
  • look for opportunities to connect with all types of people
  • present a warm and open demeanor
  • stay open to and respectful of the perspectives of others
  • give people the benefit of the doubt
Priorities map for Everything DiSC Agile EQ
Priorities map for Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™

What are some growth opportunities for DiSC iS styles?

Unlike many other personality assessments, Everything DiSC is developmental rather than solely descriptive. People who take the assessment gain not only an understanding of their personalities but are also guided through personal development opportunities.

iS-style people may benefit from working on:

  • receiving criticism
  • holding others accountable
  • standing firm in their opinions
  • practicing skepticism and objectivity
  • engaging in productive conflict and debate
  • seeking out challenge
  • calling on stubbornness to push through obstacles
  • creating systems and procedures where helpful

What is my DiSC style?

Do you have the DiSC iS personality type? If so, how does yours differ from the typical iS type? Taking a DiSC assessment is the first step toward meeting many personal development goals. Not only will you understand your own behaviors more, but you’ll learn how to form better relationships at home and work. We recommend starting your DiSC journey with Everything DiSC Workplace.


Avery Harris-Gray

SC style, NY based. Writing about Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors since 2020. Leadership style: humble. EQ mindset: composed. I always have snacks to share.

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