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How well do you understand DiSC styles in conflict?

Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict map showing prirotiesHint: The Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict profile and The Five Behaviors® Team Development can provide some answers.

DiSC® styles during conflict
Which style is more likely to encourage open dialogue and verbalize their emotions during conflict?
On a team, which style is more likely to try to draw out the perspectives of everyone?
Which style is most likely to dwell on wounded relationships?
When in conflict with a C, remember
When in conflict with a D, it's good to
A D style might deal with conflict by
Which style is most likely to address issues head on?
When in conflict with an i, remember to
Which style is more likely to sort out all the issues involved in a conflict?
A C style is more likely to display this unhealthy behavior:
An S style is more likely to
When in conflict with an S, remember to

Kristeen Bullwinkle

Steeped in Everything DiSC since 2010. Strongly inclined CD style. Leadership style and EQ mindset: resolute. Believes strongly in the serial comma.

Certifications from Wiley:
Everything DiSC, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

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